Sunday, October 16, 2016

Celebrating Vijayadasami

While all of us, as Hindus, celebrate many festivals in our tradition, it is equally important to understand the significance behind them.  The more you understand, the more you enjoy and look forward to celebrating with your friends and family.

Here is one significance that has been floating around a social media platform in the last few days, which I thought was applicable to our current discussion on VBG as well.

Dasha Hara is a Sanskrit word which means removal of ten bad qualities within you*:

Ahankara* (Ego)
Amanavta* (Cruelty)
Anyaaya* (Injustice)
Kama vasana* (Lust)
Krodha* (Anger)
Lobha* (Greed)
Mada* (Over Pride)
Matsara* (Jealousy)
Moha* (Attachment)
Swartha* (Selfishness)

Hence, also known as *'Vijaydashami'* signifying *”Vijaya (Victory)”* over these ten bad qualities.

Now, if you reflect on why we celebrate 9 days and invoke 3 goddesses (Durga, Lakshmi & Saraswati) in that order, here is an explanation --

Goddess Durga is worshipped on the first three days of Navratri. She is the One who instills one with noble virtues, a prerequisite for a pure mind.

The second three days are dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi who is the source of all forms of wealth. She is the bestower of spiritual wealth which makes one's mind pure. Only a pure mind is subtle enough to attain Self knowledge which is bestowed by

Goddess Saraswati who is worshipped on the last three days of Navratri.

Vijayadasami forms the day of victory of the self (Consciousness) over the non-self (the association of one's identity with the body, mind complex) The nature of the true self is bliss and unalloyed joy is experienced by a true seeker on Vijayadasami. 

Happy Dussehara!


  1. I now understand y Navrathri is celebrated so that you will be successful, smart, and clean minded

    1. Good job Gautam, let's discuss more in our session

  2. The other festival is about how to fix ten problems that don't makes as good of people like greedines jealousy and selfishness

  3. This is why we worship these three gods, so they will make us noble and pure.
